International Conference on Smart, Sustainable, Social and Accessible Tourism
25th and 26th November 2021
Virtual Conference – University of Aveiro, Portugal
Despite leisure and tourism are recognised as promoters of well-being, people with disabilities, seniors and other people with functional limitations still have very limited opportunities for participating in these activities. Social Tourism and technological solutions have stimulated, in many contexts, the levels of participation of these groups in tourism. The benefits of these initiatives and solutions have had a positive impact for people with different types of requirements and access needs. The contribution of tourism to create an inclusive society requires the adoption of new approaches and strategies that promote the accessibility of tourism destinations. These contributions should combine technological developments with social aspects, in order to allow all people, regardless of their condition, to enjoy tourism experiences. The International Conference on Smart, Sustainable, Social and Accessible Tourism seeks to foster the debate around tourism in accessible, social, sustainable and smart (technological) contexts. Theoretical papers, state-of-art reviews, empirical papers and case studies addressing these themes are welcome.