Susana Mesquita
University of Aveiro – Department of Economics, Management and Industrial Engineering and Tourism
Susana Mesquita holds a Degree in Tourism Management and Planning from ISAG -Instituto Superior de Administração in Porto e Gestão, a Master in Tourism Management and Development and a Doctoral Degree in Tourism, also from the University of Aveiro. She is currently working on her PhD in Tourism in the University of Aveiro. Presently she teaches several courses on Tourism and on the Tourism and Hospitality Management degrees at ISAG – Instituto Superior de Administração e Gestão and in other private and public entities. Her research interests include accessible tourism, people with visual impairments, consumer behavior in museums, co creation of experiences and experience economy. She is a researcher at the Competitiveness, Governance and Public Policy (GOVCOPP) research unit at the University of Aveiro, Portugal.

Pedro Teixeira
University of Aveiro – Department of Economics, Management and Industrial Engineering and Tourism
Pedro Teixeira has a master’s degree in Industrial Engineering in Industrial Engineering (2019). Currently is a PhD student in Industrial Engineering, at the University of Aveiro. The current research approaches different main research areas, such as Information Systems, Industry 4.0, Accessible Tourism, and investigation related to technological solutions to real-world problems.