Liliana Saraiva
Scholar (Dec. 2018 – Apr. 2020)
University of Aveiro – Department of Economics, Management and Industrial Engineering and Tourism
Liliana Saraiva holds a Degree in Tourism and a Master in Tourism Management and Development from Universidade de Aveiro.
She has over ten years in the tourism industry in accommodation and travel agency sectors and training people with disabilities in the hotel and restaurant courses. She wrote her master dissertation under the themes “Accessible tourism” and “Tourism animation”. Her research interests include accessible tourism, creative tourism, tourism supply products and behaviors.

Joana Alves
Scholar (July 2019 – )
University of Aveiro – Department of Economics, Management and Industrial Engineering and Tourism
Joana Pimentel Alves is a Sociologist. She holds a PhD (2017) and an MA (2010) in Sociology, University of Coimbra, Portugal. Since 2009, she has been involved in the research projects exploring issues of disability, social policies and independent living, including: “IMAS II – Improving Assistance in Inclusive Educational Settings” (2018-2020) (2018-1-AT01-KA202-039302); DECIDE – Deficiência e autodeterminação: o desafio da “vida independente” em Portugal’ (2016 – 2019) (funded by FCT – Reference PTDC/IVC-SOC/6484/2014); “Estudo de Avaliação do Impacto dos Custos Financeiros e Sociais da Deficiência” (funded by Instituto Nacional para a Reabilitação”). Joana´s research interests are: disability studies, care production, gender, independent living, social policies, accessible tourism and qualitative methodologies.

Pedro Teixeira
Scholar (Feb. 2020 – )
University of Aveiro – Department of Economics, Management and Industrial Engineering and Tourism
Pedro Teixeira has a master’s degree in Industrial Engineering in Industrial Engineering (2019). Currently is a PhD student in Industrial Engineering, at the University of Aveiro. The current research approaches different main research areas, such as Information Systems, Industry 4.0, Accessible Tourism, and investigation related to technological solutions to real-world problems.