Celeste Eusébio
Principle Investigator (Project Leader)
University of Aveiro – Department of Economics, Management and Industrial Engineering and Tourism
Celeste Eusébio is Assistant Professor at the Department of Economics, Management and Industrial Engineering of the University of Aveiro (Portugal), where she teaches several courses in tourism, since 1996. She is a full researcher at GOVCOPP (Research Unit on Governance, Competitiveness and Public Policies of University of Aveiro).She holds a PhD in Tourism by University of Aveiro, a Master in Economy from the University of Coimbra and a Degree in Tourism Management and Planning from the University of Aveiro. Her research interests include tourism and economic development, tourism impacts, rural tourism, tourism forecasts and consumer behavior in tourism. She has assumed several coordinating positions regarding the undergraduate and master courses, in the Tourism field, of the University of Aveiro. She is Director of the (3 years’) Degree in Tourism. She has involved in several research projects. She is author and editor of several books, chapter books and papers published in international, peer-reviewed scientific journals. She has participating in the organizing and scientific committees of several national and international conferences. She is member of editorial committee and review boards of national and international journals.

Ana Dias
University of Aveiro – Department of Economics, Management and Industrial Engineering and Tourism
Ana Alexandra da Costa Dias has a PhD in Health Sciences and Technologies from the University of Aveiro (2015), a Master in Innovation and Knowledge Management from the University of Aveiro (2005) and a degree in Management from the Institute of Superior, Financial and Fiscal Studies (1998). She teaches at the University of Aveiro since 2005 and is currently an Assistant Professor in the Department of Economics, Management, Industrial Engineering and Tourism (DEGEIT) at UA. She has been teaching the following subjects: Models and Business Processes, Organizational Behaviour and Organizational and Social Health Structures. Her areas of interest focus on organizational models of health care provision, workflow management with application in the health care sector and health policy. She participated in some UA research projects in collaboration with the social sector and the health sector, she is author and co-author of scientific articles published in national and international journals and has several publications in national and international conference proceedings.

Andreia Moura
Polytechnic Institute of Coimbra – School of Education
Andreia Filipa Antunes Moura has a Tourism degree from the Polytechnic of Coimbra Education School (ESEC), since 2005 and she concluded her PhD in Tourism in 2015 at the University of Aveiro, specifically versing about Accessible Tourism. After some years working in consultancy as a tourism and hospitality analyst and adviser, she started lecturing under graduated and post graduated courses in Tourism at her graduation base: ESEC, where now she is an Invited Adjunct Professor. She has been developing her professional skills for the last ten years in the tourism area, regarding research, consultancy and lecturing and has participated in quite a few research projects in this field of expertise and is author of several papers on Accessible Tourism, Strategic Tourism Management and Destination Planning. Currently, she is a member of the research unit on Competitiveness, Governance and Public Policy (GOVCOPP) from University of Aveiro, being simultaneously responsible for a spin-off service in tourism for research, project management, entertainment and events, within ESEC, called ESECTour.

Elisabete Figueiredo
University of Aveiro – Department of Social, Political and Territorial Sciences
Elisabete Figueiredo is a Sociologist (ISCTE – IUL) and PhD in Environmental Sciences (University of Aveiro). She is Assistant Professor at the Department of Social, Political and Territorial Sciences, University of Aveiro, Portugal. She is a full researcher at GOVCOPP (Research Unit on Governance, Competitiveness and Public Policies), University of Aveiro. She is associated researcher of CETRAD – Research Unit of Transdisciplinary Studies for Development, University of Trás-os-Montes and Alto Douro. Her main research interests are related to rural sociology and rural studies; environmental sociology; tourism studies and perception of risk. She has been involved in several national, Spanish and EU funded research projects, as Coordinator or member of the research team. Between 2010 and 2012 she was part of the Group of Experts at the Portuguese Ministry of Agriculture, Sea, Environment and Territorial Planning, for supporting the discussion and negotiations of the Common Agricultural Policy beyond 2013. She is a member of the Executive Committee of ESRS – European Society for Rural Sociology and Co-Coordinator of the Environment & Society Section of the Portuguese Association of Sociology. She was, until June 2017 the President of SPER – Portuguese Society for Rural Studies and from that date onwards member of the Fiscal Council of SPER. She is author and co-author of more than 28 papers in international and national Journals; 37 chapters in international and national books and more than 180 national and international Conference papers. She is the co-editor of 4 international books and 5 national books and the co-author of 2 national books.

Elisabeth Kastenholz
University of Aveiro – Department of Economics, Management and Industrial Engineering and Tourism
Elisabeth Kastenholz is Associate Professor at the Department of Economics, Management, Industrial Engineering and Tourism at the University of Aveiro, where she teaches Tourism and Marketing related subjects since 1994, also integrating the University’s Research Unit GOVCOPP (Governance, Competitiveness and Pubic Policies) and serving as Coordinator of Tourism Studies. She holds a PhD in Tourism Studies, an MBA, a Licenciatura in “Tourism Management and Planning” and a bachelor in “Public Administration – Specificity Foreign Affairs” (Germany), having worked for the German Foreign Ministy in the beginning of her career. She was has coordinated 3 research projects and participated in several others, the most important being her coordinating role in the three years (2010-2013) research project “The overall rural tourism experience and sustainable development of local communities”. She is coordinator of 3 books, (co-) author of over 50 articles published in international, peer-reviewed scientific journals, over 50 book chapters, more than 140 papers in Conference Proceedings and was co-editor of 2 special issues of Scientific Journals. She was invited keynote speaker in over 30 occasions. She is member of Member of the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Tourismuswissenschaft e.v and of the Portuguese Society of Rural Studies; Her current research interests lie in sustainable tourism destination marketing, the “overall destination experience”, consumer behaviour in tourism, accessible tourism, rural tourism (and related topics like food & wine and nature-based tourism).

Eugénia Lima Devile
Polytechnic Institute of Coimbra – School of Education
Eugénia Lima Devile is lecturer at Coimbra College of Education (ESEC) – Polytechnic Institute- since 1996. Currently, she is the director of Tourism degree and member of ESEC Scientific Council. She has a Master degree on Management Information. In 2014, she concluded the PhD degree in Tourism, at the University of Aveiro, under the theme of Accessible Tourism. Eugénia is author of several published papers in national and international scientific journals, and speaker at scientific meetings in the field of tourism, especially in the field of Accessible Tourism. She is a member of Advisory Board Member of Lousã Municipal Provedoria for Persons with Disabilities. She integrates the Subcommittee 8 – Accessible Tourism, under the Technical Committee 144 (Portuguese Commission for Standardization in the field of Tourism). She is associate member of the research unit on Governance, Competitiveness and Public Policy (GOVCOPP) from University of Aveiro.

Maria João Carneiro
University of Aveiro – Department of Economics, Management and Industrial Engineering and Tourism
Assistant Professor of Tourism at the University of Aveiro and researcher at the GOVCOPP Research Unit (UAVR). She holds a Degree in Tourism Management and Planning from the University of Aveiro (1993), an MBA from the New University of Lisbon (1998) and a PhD in Tourism, also from the University of Aveiro (2007). At present she is, at the University of Aveiro, coordinator of the Degree programme in Tourism and member of the Executive Committee of the Department of Economics, Management and Industrial Engineering. Her research interests include consumer behaviour in tourism, tourism destination marketing, image and positioning of tourism destinations, competitiveness of tourism destinations and tourism attractions, tourism impacts and visitor management.

Susana Mesquita
University of Aveiro – Department of Economics, Management and Industrial Engineering and Tourism
Susana Mesquita holds a Degree in Tourism Management and Planning from ISAG -Instituto Superior de Administração in Porto e Gestão, a Master in Tourism Management and Development and a Doctoral Degree in Tourism, also from the University of Aveiro. She is currently working on her PhD in Tourism in the University of Aveiro. Presently she teaches several courses on Tourism and on the Tourism and Hospitality Management degrees at ISAG – Instituto Superior de Administração e Gestão and in other private and public entities. Her research interests include accessible tourism, people with visual impairments, consumer behavior in museums, co creation of experiences and experience economy. She is a researcher at the Competitiveness, Governance and Public Policy (GOVCOPP) research unit at the University of Aveiro, Portugal.