Accessible tourism market (ATM): needs, constraints and tourism experience
Start date: July 2018
Duration: 9 Months
Although the literature in this field highlights the relevance of providing information about the ATM to support supply agents developing personalized and adapted tourism products, the research in this domain is limited. Therefore, this activity intends to answer the following questions:
- Which are the international and national laws and regulations related to the consumption of tourism products by the ATM?
- What are the characteristics and level of participation in tourism activities of the Portuguese accessible tourism market?
- What are the tourism products desired by this market?
- What are the travel constraints that this market faces and what are their information needs?
- How does the accessible tourism market perceive their tourism experience and what factors influence this experience?
The methodology plan designed encompasses three stages. First, a content analysis of international and national laws and regulations related to the consumption of tourism products by the ATM will be made. Second, a systematic analysis of the literature regarding the characteristics, needs, travel behavior and tourism experience of this market will be carried out. Finally, based on the outputs obtained in the previous two stages, an empirical study to characterize this market will be carried out in Portugal.