Dissemination of results
Start date: April 2019
Duration: 27 Months
A particular result of this activity will be the organization of an International Conference about ‘accessible tourism’, involving both national and international researchers, (PwD) and seniors, tourism supply agents, governmental agencies and higher education institutions, at the end of the last year of the project (M6).
Through this conference, the research team intends to:
- disseminate the results of the ACTION project, mainly the Web-based Intelligent System developed;
- inform and raise awareness regarding the potential benefits that the stakeholders involved in the co-creation of tourism experiences for accessible market can obtain from participating in this system;
- discuss new research lines about this topic with other researchers and practitioners;
- open further opportunities for networking and future cooperation in common research projects to increase knowledge on accessible tourism.
The conference will also serve to announce (and possibly launch) the ACTION project book, containing the main results of this research project (M7). The book will be widely distributed, on the Web and in digital format, to reach all stakeholders interested in the topics analysed. In brief, ACTION expects to give a significant contribution to achieving the much desired ‘tourism for all’. The project will end with a final meeting of the research team to discuss the project’s results, to foresee future joint projects and activities related to the topics addressed and results achieved, as well as to prepare the final report.
Given the relevance and character of this activity, all the partners and team members will be actively involved, as well as the research assistants and the consultant